An important part of Family Day Care is going on excursions. These are split into two categories, routine outings and special
Routine outings are excursions that happen on a daily or weekly basis and are part of the programme. These are things such
as visits to other Family Day Care services, trips to the park and shops or school pick-ups and drop-offs. These outings will generally
happen in the morning, maybe three to four times a week. Because they happen so regularly it would be impractical to have an excursion
form signed by parents every time. Therefore, at enrolment, parents are given an authorization form to sign that covers all routine
outings whilst the child is at the service.
Special outings are excursions such as visits to the zoo etc. Before an excursion to a
new place I will fill out a risk assessment form to ensure I have covered all eventualities. Parents will receive a copy of this along
with a special outing authorization form to sign.
When going on any outings a list of all children’s contact details will be taken
in case of emergency. I will always have my mobile phone on me and so will be contactable at all times (subject to mobile service).
Children will be transported in my car which has seven seats. Children will be seated in age appropriate infant/child restraints which
comply with Australian standards. In the case of a breakdown I am covered by Roadside Assistance.
Children will be fully supervised
at all times when on excursions by at least myself and at times another approved adult aged over 18 years. At no time will children
be left unattended in the vehicle.